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San Vito lo Capo

San Vito lo Capo… a walk that is not just sea

Let's go into this lively town made of sun and sea but also of history and monuments. Of particular interest are: the Torrazzo, the Sanctuary and the small temple of Santa Growth, all in Arab-Norman style.

A few steps from piazza Santuario we find via Savoia, the historic center that leads to the sea.

The road is closed to traffic, and here the tourist can walk in peace, enjoying of the view of beautiful climbing plants of bougainvillea, colorful and cute planters murals. On summer evenings, Moreover, the historic center hosts musical concerts, congresses e conferences.

Impossible to give up a visit to the Museum of the Sea (via Savoia 57), where am I some important archaeological finds preserved from the Sanviti seabed have been preserved, in especially on the wreck of the Arab-Norman ship that lies on the seabed in front of the Faro.

Always in via Savoia, we find Palazzo La Porta, new Town Hall headquarters. The property it dates back to the nineteenth century and bears the main characteristics of nineteenth-century architecture, like the splendid majolica floors and the atrium attic. Right behind the palazzo, a lush garden often hosts exhibitions and cultural initiatives.

The crystal clear sea and the white beach are the splendid setting that makes San Vito Lo Capo a real pearl of the Mediterranean. Just think that the town was inserted between the 300 places with the most beautiful beaches in Italy (Blue Guide ed. 2002 – Touring Italian club).

And speaking of the sea, one last but not least information.

For many years, the Blue Flag of Europe has been awarded to San Vito Lo Capo, for the quality of its beaches.

All Sanvitesi are proud of this recognition, that represents a further attraction for tourists in search of unspoiled nature and one confirmation of the love and care that the inhabitants and the municipal administration have in the against the territory.